Since the beginning of the twentieth century, world population has begun to dramatically increase and problems like worldwide hunger and malnourishment far from being resolved. In 2010, the UN estimated that over one billion people would be harshly afflicted with undernutrition. More than one in three people are also a victim of what is called 'bad nutrition'.

Until now, widespread hunger has mainly been witnessed in Africa and some part of Asia, especially in poor and indebted developing countries where what we think of as food in Western countries is scarce, expensive. A plight mainly striking  children and pregnant women in poor countries.

Nutritionists and health specialists have been trying to find a solution for many years to this problem. Looking for cheaper alternative sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Among them are edible insects.


Bugs, THE new food source

In Africa and Asia people have been eating bugs for a long time. Almost 2.9 billion people all across Africa, Asia and South America are eating insects as we speak.

Either used as a substitute or a viable alternative for fish or meat, insects pack so much protein as well as other nutrients that not eating them is a real waste of resources. 

Unlike mammals that require large amounts of water to live or fish which must necessarily live inside an aquatic environment, bugs can manage to live nearly everywhere across the world and adapt to virtually any climates and landscape (desert, mountains, forests and so on...).

Experts have estimated to a thousand the different insect species suitable for human consumption around the world. With very varying taste they all share the one same property, they are excellent protidic supplements and nutrient sources. Furthermore, farming bugs can be a source of income for impoverished farmers. A job particularly welcomed for local often faced with substantial financial hardship.

Viable alternative for cheap protein

A steady and forceful increase in world population coupled with a growing number of undernourished people, our world's capacity to produce inprotein-rich foods is strained and needs to be reworked from the inside out. We already know meat coming from traditional breeding and farming is becoming more and more expensive to produce. In addition to that, beef requires large amounts of water and so much space as to become inconvenient. Experts already believe it takes an average of 8 grams of feed to produce 1 gram of meat, whereas it takes less than 2 to produce 1 gram insect.

With this kind of data, it didn't take long for nutritionists and health experts to see bug farming as a real and serious alternative traditional meat in the coming years.

Insects such as flies and maggots are already used as substitutes for grains and fats replacing fishes in livestock's diet. An alternative already considered seriously by ranchers and farmers in Europe considering ever increasing feed prices.

Insects play significant roles for our environment

Unfortunately, bugs are not immune to the environmental crisis that has been unfolding in the world in recent decades. Deforestation, heavy use of insecticides and global warming are part of the reason for the overall decrease of the insect population.

We cannot stress enough the valuable role insects play in our ecosystem. Whether it be from pollination, manure disposal or compost making, insects are useful as control agents for mother earth. Breeding bugs for food would, in the opinion of many experts, allow us to keep our insect population afloat.


Why proteins are needed by our body

Protein intake promotes creation and renewal of our cells. For example, by eating insects, which contain lots and lots of proteins, we help our bodies to boost hormone, hair, bone and muscle production. Composed of amino acids, proteins can not be manufactured by our body but must be consumed regularly.

They must therefore be provided through a healthy and balanced diet. In that endeavor, eating edible bugs just became a viable and very effective solution. There is even evidence proving a high protein diet will affect our mood, making optimistic and happy to live.

Protein nutrients also help us feel less hungry and more content. This helps avoid temptations to snack between meals.

A solution to feed the world

Edible insects are the way forward for the future of nutrition,and all the studies tend to prove that a diet supplied in part with edible bugs could allow everyone to eat their fill while showing concern for the world.

Eating bugs and diversifying our food sources could stop rampant malnourishment in third world countries and by finding alternative sources of protein (like helping everyone to start building its own edible insects farm), we could be self-sufficient in a matter of years. Endless Third World aid would no longer have reason to exist as each countriy would be master of his own food source. All the while limiting wasteful consumption as well as preserving other natural resources currently over-exploited.

It should be noted that in the far-east, edible insects cuisine is already highly developed. Some bugs are even considered to be tasty delicacies served only on special occasions and as luxurious as caviar, lobster or deer are in Europe.

Bugs are really a basic food

In our store, you will find roasted insect larvae, flavored grasshoppers or even ants under many shapes or forms such as sugary desserts or lollipops. We can even assure you everyone who ever tasted termites sold in our shop enjoyed them and always came back for more. Do you need any more proof?

Only once past the psychological barrier will you realize what you have missed for so long. So if you want to try, we would advise to do so with our "discovery " filled with delicious edible insects.